Therefore, my wife and i woke up early in the morning, got ourselves prepared and went to Mid Mid Valley Mall to utilise the remaining time we got.
The best thing is that we tried out the breakfast sets which were priced at RM9.90 each offered by DELIcious.
They turned out to be superbly amazing and a month later, DELIcious Penang finally launched the breakfast menu.
We then had a little walk around the city before going for Froyo at Spoon and our lunch at Taiwan Recipe.
The journey to LCCT was a pretty rush one.
Guess what? The moment we arrived at Mid Valley monorail station, the train had just departed.
My wife and i ended up spending around 20 minutes waiting for the next one.
We got on a train, praying that we would arrive at our destination before our plane's gate closing time.
However, we made it and we kissed KL goodbye. =(
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