Tuesday, June 22, 2010

16th Mensiversary.

ensiversary came from the Latin word, 'mensis' which means month.
I found this online and i find it more appropriate to be used rather than 16 month anniversary or whatsoever.
So fast, today was our special day, once in a month.
Let me do the maths, and my wife² and i have been together for 1 year and 4 months.
Congratulations to ourselves.

What were the celebrations?
Oh, we sang our throats out.
We went to Neway to have our lunch and of course, Karaoke.
My wife² and i did sing for 3 hours, non-stop.
That was a challenge to both of us but we did really enjoy the time there.

A black and white striped dress caught my wife²'s attention and mine too.
I insisted her to try it on and woah, it looked great on her.
As conclusion, i bought her the dress for this special day.
Oh ya, there was another present for her, a bag organizer.

My wife² with her new dress.

After reading some reviews on the Net, we had steamboat for dinner at the Spicy Girl (辣妹子)Restaurant.
Just like what we have read, the 老鸭汤 is really awesome.
The price was all right, not cheap and not expensive.

We called it a day with our excessively fulfilled stomach.
My wife² and i both know that we have thousands of mensiversary are waiting for us.
Waka waka!

Sturdy as a rock, we hold.
Earthquakes can't shake us.
Cyclones can't break us.
Hurricanes can't take away our love.
I U.


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