Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Sushi Day.

Well, it has been a long time since i made some cacat Sushi for my wife² on her birthday.
Long long time ago, we both have made promise that someday, we would make Sushi together.
And, this promise is finally fulfilled.

After getting the fresh ingredients prepared, we started our Sushi making game.
We both had a fun time, as different sizes, shapes of Sushi were produced.
Mine, Picasso's style, may be peculiar, may be funny or may be weird.
My wife² was an expert, shaping the Sushi really well.

The pictures below summarised our joyful day.

Fresh ingredients, checked!

Sushi making, in progress.

The difference between my California Roll and my wife²'s.


Time for fun, time for joy.

Sushi, A Catalyst for Our Love.

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