Saturday, February 26, 2011

Uninvited Guest.

My brain was fulled of question marks.
This furry thingy just appeared of nowhere.
And, the best part is, i am living on the 7th floor in an apartment.
How did this grayish-white creature end up here?

Anyway, i have spent some good time with the not-so-frisky cat and yet i still don't know his gender.
I assume that the cat is a male and now, i will tell you my day.
In the afternoon, he just intruded my crib and peed inside my bathroom.
That certainly indicates that the cat is toilet trained and theoretically, he should be someone's property.
Maybe the owner dumped him as he is having some sort of minor skin problem on his tiny pair of ears.

Throughout the day, he was just totally unlike those normal cats.
He was like missing his home all the time. He did not look happy.
He was unfriendly, not very playful and the worst thing is, he never made a sound.
Oh ya, now i remember, he yelled once when he couldn't find any cat litter sand.
Guess what? That resulted in him having a bowel movement on my brand new wrapping paper!!
It appeared like he was thinking that it is just newspapers.

Now, he is gone.
He is having a great time with my neighbours.
It is so unfortunate as i am unable to keep him as a pet due to my dad's disapproval, haikss.
Lastly, i hope that the owner will come back and look for him.
Apparently, he needs his owner.
May God bless him.

Have a Break, Have a Kit Cat.

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