Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Those Days.

Phew, i am bored with my working life, but luckily i will be resigning after this Chinese New Year / Valentine's Day.

Well, few days ago, it was my pay day.
Therefore, i just went to my grandparents' house, buying supper for them as it is a tradition that a youngster like me should belanja his elders Economy Bee Hoon at least when he gets his first pay from his very first job.

I saw a picture, stuck to the fridge with magnets.
It was a photo of my old house, taken before we moved into our new apartment.
Aikss, my old house no longer exists, it was demolished for unknown purposes.

Speaking honestly, i miss my old house.

I was raised, from a toddler to a teenager there.
I played with my fellow friends and cousins there.
I even enjoyed myself in the flood when it was raining heavily as the drainage system of my old house was terrible.

There, i had two cats, named Sweetie and Tiger.
There, i shared a room with my brother.
There, i used to play football myself at the garden.

It was old, but it accommodated at least 8 of my family.
It was old, but it lasted for so long, from my great-grandfather's time until mine.
It was old, but it brought me lots of happiness.

It is a historical building, to me.
"74-B, West Jelutong, 11600 Pulau Pinang".

2 _comments_:

KSeng said...

well is not easy to earn a living.....cannot quit just because you feel bored..have to think about family's expenses, food, bills and etc.Eg, I have to work even I dont feel like it or even very sick...
But you will be happy when you see your family free from financial worries.

Anonymous said...

so sad...

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